We understand that there may be circumstances that impact your ability to pay for college, and these may not always be clear in your initial financial aid application. Maybe you or your parent's have experienced a change in income since the application was filed.  You may have additional educational expenses that have not been included in your financial aid budget. Maybe you have changed your housing plan. If your financial circumstances changed after you filed your Free Application for 联邦学生援助(FAFSA) or CA梦想法案 Application, you may want to consider filing an appeal with 澳门皇家赌城在线大学. 

 The 金融援助 staff may be able to adjust the following if your appeal is approved:

  • 收入变化
  • 一次性教育费用
  • 住房的变化
  • 依赖状态的变化


请参阅 重要日期网站 截止日期.  Some funding may be limited so try to submit your appeal as early as possible.


  • Appeals are typically reviewed within 2 weeks of submission. During busy processing times such as the summer or the beginning of the semester, it may take longer for your appeal to be evaluated.
  • 一旦审查完成,
    • If your appeal is approved you will receive a revised financial aid notification via 电子邮件 
    • If your appeal is not approved, you will receive an 上诉跟进 电子邮件 notifying you of the reason(s) it was not approved. 

Types and Reasons for Appealing